BREAKING NEWS-US Equestrian has announced the horse-and-athlete combinations selected to compete at the 2020 Adequan USEF Futures Team Challenge – West Coast held at Galway Downs in Temecula, Calif., from Oct. 29-Nov. 1.
The teams will be coached by Erik Duvander, U.S. Performance Director for Eventing, and Leslie Law, USEF Eventing Development and Emerging Coach, both serving as Chef d’Equipe for their respective teams.
I am so proud to have been selected as a member of Leslie Law’s team!! The format of the Adequan USEF Futures Team Challenge provides an opportunity for eventing athletes to gain valuable team competition experience in an unofficial team scenario on home soil at the CCI3* and CCI4* levels.
After the summer events, I decided to enter a recognized dressage show with Harbin. Off we went to the Texas Dressage Classic at Texas Rose mid September to compete Harbin at Second level…and he was FANTASTIC! He scored everywhere from 65-70% (35-30 eventing scores) and considering that “pure” dressage judges typically score harder than Eventing dressage judges, I was elated.
Junior is a 4* horse now!! I am so proud of him. After Great Meadows with Forty, I came home, loaded up Junior and took him to Chatt Hills in the Advanced. At Stable View, Junior was a star. He scored a 27 for 10th place after dressage. It was one our best dressage tests. Onto cross country where Junior again put in a super solid round.
Up Next:
Galway International in Temecula, CA is next on the books and the final event for the year for Forty and Junior who are entered in the CCI4L. This will be my first time at this level and I’m so excited. The horses feel ready, I feel ready…I’m hoping to turn in a really competitive result.